The "White Dragon
Kenpo System" was created by Al Farnsworth. Al was granted a third
degree black belt in Kenpo through the late Grand master, Ed Parker.
He was also given a fourth through Larry Tatum, and a fifth through Dave
Hebler. Al has black belts and high ranks in various styles including
Kenpo, Arnis Kali, Ju Jitsu, Hapkido, Gung-Fu, and Tae Kwon Do.
He also studied Golden Gloves Boxing and American Wrestling.
Although Studying a near-perfect art, Al continued in search of a more flexible one; one which would grow with his abilities. He realized that you should not just know how to box, and not wrestle. Nor should you just know how to kick and not punch. Al felt you could not limit yourself to any one style, but to develop an art created out of many styles; styles tailored to your own body structure.